Update 1.2 Released + The Future!

Sorry for the long wait everyone, but the 1.2 update for DUSTPOCALYPSE is finally out! Right after releasing the last update, we discussed what would happen next for the project. Should we update the game with more content? Should we polish the game some more? Should we make this game into something more?
Well, we actually decided on all of the above! So 1.2 adds a good chunk of new content, makes the game much more polished, and future-proofs it quite a bit too!
But along with all that news, this will be the last major update to the web version...
Because we've decided to turn DUSTPOCALYPSE into a full game! Woohoo!!
I'll talk a bit about what the future of the game entails at the bottom of the devlog, but first, let's get into the patch notes for the update:
-Update 1.2 Changelog-
Major changes:
- Added a ton of juicy effects to the game.
- Fully custom OST featuring 4 tracks, made by our new composer Salutanis Orkonus!
- Brand new promo art used on the title screen and itch page, made by our new artist and concept artist Moumekie!
- Added 3 new guns to the game: the crossbow with piercing bullets, the popcorn popper with a chance to shoot another bullet in a random direction, and the spitballer which scales its damage with the Scrunkly's spit range stat!
- Added a new enemy type to the game: the exploding "Dust Frogs" start appearing at wave 5.
- Added a new rare enemy to the game: the lucky "Golden Dust Bunny" will occasionally spawn depending on your luck stat. Defeating it drops a ton of dust, so don't let it run away!
- Added new "Mega Hordes" to the game: every 10 minutes, on top of the usual horde that comes, a whole additional horde of one enemy type will also arrive with it.
- Added new Golden Upgrades that can show up depending on your luck stat during upgrade rotations, these upgrades have double the effect of normal upgrades!
- Added full (Xbox) Controller support. (hasn't been tested with other controller types.)
- The title screen, credits screen, upgrade selection screen, and gameover screen all got complete redesigns!
- Completely redesigned the options menu, adding lots of new options to the game as well!
- Completely redesigned the pause menu, adding the ability to: restart, change options, and quit to the titlescreen.
- Added an upgrade description viewer, when hovering over an upgrade it tells you what it does.
- Added an on-screen cursor with a dotted line from the Scrunkly to the mouse, there's also an additional cursor to show your exact spit range.
- Removed the "Defense Frames Up" upgrade. To make up for this, the Scrunkly's default defense frame time has been increased.
Minor changes:
- Zoomed the camera out a bit for more readability.
- More than 1 of the same upgrade can no longer appear in a single upgrade rotation.
- Changed the "Max Health Up" upgrade icon to be more distinct from the "Full Health Refill" upgrade.
- Dust now deactivates when off screen to save on performance, and reactivates when on screen again.
- Changed enemy sprites to have more distinct colors from each other.
- Added extra animation frames to some enemy sprites when they're moving.
- Added a dust counter to show the total collected dust for the run on the dust bar at the top of the screen.
- Made snacks bounce to where they're spit instead of slide.
- The Scrunkly now has feet sprites!!!
- Added discord rich presence support.
- The title screen now shifts through different colors when entering submenus.
- Changed the name of "Throw Range Up" to "Spit Range Up".
- The "Full Health Refill" upgrade can now only show up once you're missing a full heart, instead of after any damage.
- Updated the credits.
Balance changes:
- Changed enemy spawn rates: 1 enemy spawns every 2 seconds at the start of the game, and one enemy is added to this every 5 minutes.
- Changed the Dust Slug spawn wave from 4 to 2.
- Changed the Dust Ram spawn wave from 8 to 7.
- Removed the range increase given from the Bomb Gun.
- Made the range decrease from the Shotgun not as strong.
- Changed calculations of how the "Spit Range Up" upgrade affects the Scrunkly.
- Changed calculations of how the "Roomby Speed Up" upgrade affects Roomby.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed Roomby being able to suck up dust while the game is paused.
- Fixed Roomby stopping if a snack is still moving near them.
- Fixed snacks jittering to a halt when spit too close to the Scrunkly.
- Fixed dust spawned from hitting enemies launching over to the mouse cursor.
- Fixed health pickups spawned from killing enemies launching over to the mouse cursor.
-Fixed a bug where having too low firerate would cause Roomby to stop shooting forever.
-The Future-
Phew that was a long patch, sorry again for the long wait but we hope it was worth it! Anyway, as mentioned above, DUSTPOCALYPSE is being made into a full game! What does that mean for the web version? What will be different? When will it come out? We'll try to answer all those questions here!
"What does this mean for the web version?"
The web version will stick around, we don't plan on ever removing it! That would just be silly. It'll stay up to remember what the game used to be like and act as a sort of demo for what the full game will offer, though when the time comes we will likely make a new demo version for the full game.
"What will be different in the full game?"
Lots of stuff!! We have a ton of content planned for this game, some of that content includes: new playable characters, new enemies, bosses, new guns, new special items, a cool unlock system, and the DUSTPOCALYPSE... What will all that stuff actually look like? Well, you're just gonna have to wait and find out! You can also now follow the development of the game over on our Twitter account and Tumblr account to see this new stuff as we share it!
"When will the full game come out?"
We have NO idea right now! We have a lot going on already related to general life and other projects, but we don't wanna just leave Scrunkly to rot!! We have the ideas, we just need to start putting them into action. And when that happens, you all will be the first to know!! We'll start by creating a Steam page for the game, we would have liked to have that done before the release of this version, but it's a lot harder than we initially thought... nevertheless, once a Steam page is made, we'll post about it here and on our socials linked above!
That's it for now!
Thank you all for the support on the game during this time, even with just a couple of browser plays every couple of days, just knowing that there are people who still play the game brings us joy! We hope you all enjoy this new version of the game, and look forward to the release of the full game sometime in the future. Until next time, bye-bye!!
Survive the DUSTPOCALYPSE... with a roomba!?
Status | Released |
Authors | Bonicle, CatCube |
Genre | Action |
Tags | Singleplayer, Top down shooter |
Languages | English |
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